1. | The Historical Development of Children's Literature in the World and Turkey Aykut Koyuncuoğlu doi: 10.5505/sec.2021.25743 Spr Ed Child 2021; 1 - 1 | Pages 1 - 16
2. | An Evalution On Women’s Violence Studies In The Printed Press Kübra Türkoğlu, Simge Ünlü doi: 10.5505/sec.2021.83097 Spr Ed Child 2021; 1 - 1 | Pages 27 - 43
3. | Critical Discourse Analysis in Television Advertisements: A Review of the Kasap Döner Advertising Film Derya Büyükduman doi: 10.5505/sec.2022.10820 Spr Ed Child 2022; 2 - 2 | Pages 67 - 97
4. | Comparison Of Social Skills Of 4-5 Years Old Children Who Receive High Scope Education and Who Do Not Makbule Meziyet Arı, Buse Kerigan, Çağla Duran, Kevser Tuğba Çınar Karasu doi: 10.5505/sec.2021.98608 Spr Ed Child 2021; 1 - 1 | Pages 55 - 66
5. | A Phenomenologıcal Study On Post-Earthquake Socıal Support Practıces Of Female Unıversıty Students Who Experıenced The Earthquake Abdulselami Sarıgül doi: 10.5505/sec.2023.46330 Spr Ed Child 2023; 3 - 3 | Pages 21 - 37
6. | Digital Violence and Hate Speech Feyza Karaboğa, Metin Işık doi: 10.5505/sec.2022.54254 Spr Ed Child 2022; 2 - 1 | Pages 1 - 26
7. | An Analysis of Cartoons Watched by Preschool Children aged 5-6 According to Gender Variables Nuray Deniz Vural doi: 10.5505/sec.2021.09797 Spr Ed Child 2021; 1 - 1 | Pages 17 - 26
8. | Investigation of Studies About Different Preschool Education Approaches in Turkey Selahattin Semiz, Aslı Yıldırım doi: 10.5505/sec.2022.35744 Spr Ed Child 2022; 2 - 2 | Pages 1 - 23
9. | Acute And Chronic Effects Of Childhood Sexual Abuse Aykut Koyuncuoğlu, Döndü Koyuncuoğlu doi: 10.5505/sec.2023.76476 Spr Ed Child 2023; 3 - 2 | Pages 21 - 29
10. | Student Attıtudes Towards Homeworks In Socıal Studıes Merve Dilek, Hatice Güler, Serkan Dilek doi: 10.5505/sec.2021.69775 Spr Ed Child 2021; 1 - 1 | Pages 44 - 54
11. | Problems Encountered by Administrators and Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools with Transported Education Eyüp Yanbakar, Dilaver Bulut, Mustafa Mart, Ramazan Yavuz doi: 10.5505/sec.2023.92400 Spr Ed Child 2023; 3 - 1 | Pages 1 - 27
12. | Investigation of the Relationship between Foreign Language Speech Anxiety and Gender, School Type, Foreign Language Education History in Secondary School Students Arzu Lale Kındığılı doi: 10.5505/sec.2022.36855 Spr Ed Child 2022; 2 - 2 | Pages 24 - 35
13. | An Emotional and Family-Focused Perspective on Prosocial Behaviors Hurizat Hande Turp, Hatice Kurt Ata doi: 10.5505/sec.2022.58066 Spr Ed Child 2022; 2 - 2 | Pages 98 - 107
14. | Personnel Management in Sports Businesses Nuray Deniz Vural doi: 10.5505/sec.2022.08370 Spr Ed Child 2022; 2 - 1 | Pages 27 - 34
15. | Measuring the Anger Control Levels of the Personnel Working in Ankara Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports Hakan Gökmen, Emin Kuru doi: 10.5505/sec.2021.43531 Spr Ed Child 2021; 1 - 2 | Pages 1 - 15
16. | A Bibliometric Analysis of Doctoral Thesis on Self-Efficacy Mesut Süleymanoğulları doi: 10.5505/sec.2022.43434 Spr Ed Child 2022; 2 - 1 | Pages 35 - 48
17. | Teacher's Effect on Student's Academic Success Ayşe Şahin Okudan doi: 10.5505/sec.2024.21931 Spr Ed Child 2024; 4 - 3 | Pages 11 - 28
18. | School Readiness Levels of Students Who Take Pre-School Education During the Pandemic Period Makbule Korkmaz doi: 10.5505/sec.2022.46855 Spr Ed Child 2022; 2 - 2 | Pages 36 - 55
19. | Child Prosociality Scale: Child Form Validity and Reliability Study Samet Ata, İsmihan Artan doi: 10.5505/sec.2022.54154 Spr Ed Child 2022; 2 - 3 | Pages 1 - 14
20. | Investigation of the Effect of Emotion and Empathy Skills Training Program Applied to Parents Samet Ata doi: 10.5505/sec.2023.69188 Spr Ed Child 2023; 3 - 3 | Pages 9 - 20