ISSN: 2791-643X
Volume : 5 Issue : 1 Year : 2025
Indexes We Scan
Volume: 5  Issue: 1 - 2025
1. Cover

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2. Contents

Page II

3. Examination of Self-Efficacy Perception of Computer and Internet Use For Classroom Teachers: The Case of Mersin Province
Merve Güven, Nur İnce, Jale Akkılıç Yüksel, Naciye Seda Demir, Semra Kılıç, Gülcan Ece, Şenol Dağsever, Sadiye Mehmetoğlu
doi: 10.5505/sec.2025.46338  Pages 1 - 11
INTRODUCTION: Today, the use of computers and technology has become quite widespread in the field of education. Consequently, some duties and responsibilities fall on teachers. Therefore, the research was conducted based on the problem ‘What is the level of computer and internet usage self-efficacy perceptions of classroom teachers?’.
METHODS: In line with this purpose, classroom teachers working in Mersin province classrooms were included in the study which was conducted with the survey model. Participants were determined by convenience/accidental sampling method by considering time, material and labour force required. 392 teachers, 227 of whom were female and 165 of whom were male, participated in the study. ‘Computer and Internet Use Self-Efficacy Perception Scale for Classroom Teachers‘ was used to determine teachers’ self-efficacy in computer and internet use. Skewness and kurtosis coefficients of the obtained data were examined and it was determined that they did not show normal distribution. In this direction, Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis analyses were performed after descriptive statistics analysis. Teachers' computer and internet use self-efficacy was compared in terms of gender, education level and professional experience variables.
RESULTS: As a result of the study, significant differences were found in the self-efficacy of classroom teachers in computer use for gender variable and in both internet and computer use for professional experience variable. However, no significant difference was found for the education level variable.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In the same direction with these results, there are studies reporting that the gender variable reveals a significant difference in studies conducted on teachers or prospective teachers (Gündüz & Özdinç, 2008; Yenilmez et al., 2011; Wu & Tasi, 2006). When the Turkish literature was analysed, contrary to the current study, there were studies in which no significant difference was found for the gender variable (Ata & Baran, 2011; Kahraman et al., 2013).

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